Leadership in complexity
Today, more than ever, your managers have to strike a balance between the return expectations of company owners and the demands of their employees for a people-oriented, situational style of leadership at eye level. And then today, leadership increasingly takes place virtually, across national borders and under immense time and success pressure. The forms of cooperation among employees are becoming more and more complex, and dealing constructively with cultural diversity is becoming increasingly important. Language skills alone are not enough. The leadership agenda of the future involves adapting existing leadership cultures to flexible working models. Promoting the willingness of employees to actively embrace change is essential! I contribute to this by developing leadership skills in the following areas, among others:
Change Leadership - more than just process management Management by trust - successfully managing virtual collaboration and cultural diversity in long-distance relationships Appreciation in leadership through feedback - fair & competent Intercultural Conflict Management – avoid friction in international cooperation Core competence collaboration - "Powerless" leadership Self-management - Only those who can lead themselves will know how to lead others.
I design the format according to your requirements (workshop, "nugget learning", webinar, process support, coaching). Interaction is very important to me. Do not expect lectures! I offer a mix of a lot of practice with the necessary dash of theory. In a rather unconventional style, I ensure that the participants take away handy insights for direct implementation in their everyday professional life. The inclusion of my own practical experience as an internationally active manager and the work with examples from the professional practice of your employees ensure a sustainable learning success. Of course, I tailor the specific content to the individual needs of the participants. If required, I can also work with international groups. Again, Ganss Human is about us working together!
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